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George Skatzes, Ohio's oldest Innocent Man On Death Row following Lucasville Prison Riot.

In 1993 George Skatzes had served 10 years of a 15 to life sentence for a murder he was framed for ( There is a different post with this case information.) He should not have been in Lucasville Ohio Prison when the Riot kicked off, but he was. George was convicted and sentenced to death for the murders of inmates Earl Elder and David Sommers. This conviction was obtained solely on fabricated inmate testimony, lies! The inmates responsible for these murders have stepped up, admitted to their crimes, declared Georges complete innocence, and accepted punishment from the courts. Yet George continues to sit on Death Row 24 years later. He is now 74 years old and time is running out for him. Is that what the state is waiting for? This innocent man to die of old age so they wont have to put him to death for a crime he has been exonerated of! The Courts just have his case sitting in the appeals process. How can this possibly be? George is innocent we need help seeking justice! Please spread this story! Help save a innocent man!

About the Riot?

This was a 11 day siege. If you see the news it is a one-sided story. The people of Lucasville wanted an eye for a eye and because a guard was killed in this riot the State of Ohio gave the people what they demanded! The State did not care what they had to do to obtain the convictions of the faces mostly seen during these 11 days, even if it meant cutting a deal with the actual murder(s) of the guard and inmates. Why would the State do such a thing? To assure the conviction! They had no evidence! They needed witnesses' so who better to convict to Death than the ones who showed their faces during this siege? I do not know what happened before George was called on to help restore order among the inmates . What I can say is this protest got extremely out of hand with approximately 450 maximum security inmates how could anyone expect control? George had already been down for 10 years there was a mutual respect between himself, the guards, and the inmates. He had no part what so ever in planning or carrying out this siege! George's only guilt here is caring about people! He did step up and try to be the negotiator seeking a peaceful end to this! He never wanted anyone to get hurt nor did he hurt anyone! George saved the life of Officer Fraley by putting him outside and calling for the State to get him medical care. George protected many people including 2 Officers whom had asked specifically to be with George during this ordeal. George was later charged for Kidnapping these 2 officers even though they stated in court he saved their lives and they stated they asked to be with him. George did not hold anyone against their will. He protected them and made the best he could of the situation. There is not one single person that has said George assaulted or kidnapped them. Please help us seek justice for this innocent man before time runs out.

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