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George Skatzes Ohio's Oldest Innocent Death Row Inmate Framed For Murder Logan County Ohio 1983

Updated: Jan 13, 2021

Bellefontaine Ohio in 1983, George was Framed for the murder of Mr. Art Smith

He has been wrongfully incarcerated for 39 years. He is now 74 years old.

First I would like to make you aware that the victims family believes George is innocent of this murder.

If you read the Statement Of Facts it gives the best explanation of this case.

The only evidence to convict George in this case was the testimony of

Jimmy Rogers ( inmate snitch) and Jimmy's wife, Diane Rogers. This testimony from Jimmy and Diane came after Diane was arrested for the murder. Jimmy was already in Lucasville Prison in Ohio serving 37-137 years for a list of offences. These two exchanged their testimony for many perks such as: immunity to any crimes they confess to, a shortened sentence for Jimmy, financial gain, Jimmy's transfer to the county jail in Bellefontaine Ohio, and membership to sports clubs for Jimmy. In the county jail Jimmy was allowed unlimited visits from Diane. Jimmy was also allowed to go on family outings, he was able to go to the local bar. He worked as a police dispatch. Diane and Jimmy both admitted in court they have previously perjured themselves to prevent going to jail, you will see proof of this in there transcripts. This may not sound true or even like a comedy movie. A career criminal obtaining such privilege's from the prosecutor? This is actual facts and most of this is stated in the court transcripts in the testimony from Jimmy and Diane. They both admit to the extensive benefits they gained by framing an innocent man. Why would the prosecution allow this to happen? The murder had been unsolved for 3 years. They knew they had absolutely no evidence whatsoever. They pressed the weakest person they could think of who has an extensive criminal history and obtained the fabricated confession from them. Jimmy is proven to be lying on the stand. He states the victims car was a standard transmission. ( stick shift) Most Volkswagen's may be standard but this one had been modified by Mr. Art Smith and his son Michael Smith which is stated in Michael's testimony transcript. Who would think no evidence or proof that the prosecution could obtain a conviction. Well they did George got 15 to life for a murder even the victims family believes he is innocent of and stated so in court. The Jury in this case had no chance to give a verdict with a clear mind as the prosecution made sure the news blasted every 15 minutes that George Skatzes killed Mr. Art Smith! No way was the prosecution losing his only chance to close this case! There are a lot of inconsistencies in this case. I ask you to please take a look for yourself. Please help us seek justice for an innocent man. George has exhausted all of his appeals. With no money to hire an attorney we have no choice but to turn to the public for support. Thank you for taking the time to read this. God Bless!

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